Steel sewing tweezers and earspoon


1 in stock


Steel sewing tweezers and earspoon. Item 4233.Made of steel this sewing tweezers and earspoon combination measures 78 mm (3 and 1/8 th of an inch). It is nicely decorated front and back, with nice detail on the rivet heads that hold it together. The tweezers would have been used to pluck cut threads or pins from needlework without leaving marks from your fingers. The earspoon would have been used to extract wax from the ears, either as general hygiene, or to use the wax to coat thread so that it pulled smoothly through the fabric. This was important if the sewer was working on very fine materials like silk. It is in very good condition and dates from the late 1700’s.

Steel sewing tweezers and earspoon
Steel sewing tweezers and earspoon
Steel sewing tweezers and earspoon
Steel sewing tweezers and earspoon